
Things to do while in quarantine or shelter-in-place - #2: Another virus to prevent

Most people are keenly aware and mindful of their germ management routine to keep viruses away.
With this mindset, it's also a good time to tackle your weak cyber immunity system. 

We hear it...all the time.  Create a stronger password. Have multiple passwords. Change your password. Don't share your password.

Well, how many times were you told before this month to wash your hands? 

This is easy. Google has a password checkup

Login. Click on Check passwords. 

You might get a list back of compromised passwords, reused passwords (opens you up to risk) and weak passwords.

Click on the three dots to delete password from Google storage. 

It's a good time to pick new passwords and refresh as many as you can. 
Also, a good time to clean out all email inboxes. 

Until next time! 

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