
March Craft Month - Wow! in Home Art Class

Celebrating a month-long holiday can be hard work! Said no one ever.

Did you know that March is National Craft Month? Not to be confused with National Scrapbook Day in May (for those paper crafters out there...who also turn it into a month-long May celebration.)

I took advantage of the craft awareness month to design new in-home classes for Wow! Embossing Powder. My personal guinea princesses (guinea pigs didn't seem nice) were more than willing to play along and test drive the course last weekend.

None of these women are veteran paper crafters. They have other crafty talents (that I MUST tap into)!  So, the design of the classes were perfect to try out with them. I love hearing the joy from the first venture into paper crafts....after my safety messages when wielding a heat gun.

With all the fun to be had in learning the ropes, we made it through only 2 of the 3 projects. No one was really in a rush to move on from what they were doing.

Who's next? :)

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